Optimizing Happiness Game

Dinesh Challa
1 min readJun 12, 2021


The engine to optimize HAPPINESS isn’t the money, it is about “how efficiently you convert money into happiness”

People are rich but there is something thats missing in their lives, somehow the happiness engine is broken, something going on with them, something deeper that doesn’t solve the happiness problem.

It doesn’t really matter how much money you make if you are not Happy.

Yes money lets you afford all the things in the world, but If the money to happiness conversion is inefficient you’ll never be happy. If that money to happiness conversion is efficient, we’d be shocked at how relatively less money we need to be relatively more happy than people who are richer.

We can be lot happier in our current situations if we can fix the conversion game. Is this the single most important thing to fix as opposed to how much money we have or how much earning potential we have?

Isn’t this worth thinking about?

Happiness Optimization



Dinesh Challa

I talk about Intersection of Technology and Society. Open for collaborations in Business and Tech — People help the People. Email : dinesh@hey.com